Home Studio Design
Once you have made the decision of what level of commitment to your art you are willing to engage in, it is time to discuss a sensible studio design.
The studio design must provide these functions:
Bring realized musical value, in the shortest period of time, which justifies the time and money
The design must be extensible: You will improve the design through short improvement iterations
The design must include a training program to
ensure that you have the ability to maintain your studio
Required Home Studio Knowledge Areas
Making the right selection is not just based on money but also on your current level of experience in these areas:
Basic Electronics
Acoustic Engineering
Audio Recording Engineering
Studio Design
Audio Mixing and Mastering
Website Music Streaming Services posting requirements
Instrumentation Performance Skills
Recording Equipment Use Experience

Studio Design Services
The initial Studio Design Consulting Services will provide these living document artifacts:
A PDF format document detailing the vision you have for the first design iteration, agreed upon by all of our project members on the team
A diagram of the studio vision, created in Microsoft Visio but exported to a diagramming application of your choice
A high-resolution image, in the .png image format, of the diagram of the studio vision
A cost commitment breakdown:
The current iteration studio items estimated cost and delivery dates
Design labor costs for creating the document artifacts listed above
Studio design consulting fees
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of all recommended studio equipment detailing:
The recommended studio item: Manufacturer, Model
The item’s functional categorization | Example: AC Power – Surge Protection – AC Power Strips
Primary Category
Category Type
Type Class
A complete description of the item:
Manufacturer description
Studio use description
A reference .png image of the item
The item’s Studio Role:
A description of what functionality it provides within the studio design
Any prerequisite studio items required prior to this item’s purchase
The estimated cost of the item from at least two vendors
A recommendation will not always be the lowest cost
If the recommendation is not the lowest price available, you must justify the “Value-added” provided by the Vendor
Replacement cost, when applicable to the item
The purchasing type:
New: Vendor provides full manufacture packaging, accessories, and warranties
Used: Justification for buying used and the seller guarantees of functionality
Refurbished: Justification for buying refurbished and the seller guarantees and warranties
The level of complexity the item brings to the studio
A training plan for understanding the item, if required
An estimated recommended studio design delivery time breakdown:
Initial design discovery sessions with project team members
First iteration design delivery date for approval
Procurement Time frames:
Any special order delays
Vendor availability
Any delivery requirement restriction delays
Service Level Agreement (SLA):
Defined scope
Defined instances
These design services provide a roadmap for the Client to create the vision that the team agrees to in the first design document artifact.
The Cave is dedicated to ensuring that your new studio will bring value
with the least amount of time and money possible based on the selected Studio Type