The DAW Recording System
The Cave's Recording System is a professionally designed Home Recording studio
The Muse Performance Recording Components:
A highly customized Reaper DAW recording application with over a 100 plugins
Top of the line Dell super tower computer:
---- XPS 8930 i9-9900K overclocked at 4.50 GHz
---- 8 CPU Cores | 16 Virtual Threads
---- 1 TB SSD Disk Drive | 2 TB 7200 SATA Disk Drive -
The 3 Unit MOTU Professional 8 series 16 Channel ADAT extension Channels:
---- MOTU One 8pre-es & Two 8pre ADAT extension DAW Interface devices
---- ESS Sabre32™ DAC technology to the DELL tower computer
---- 24 In | 28 Out I/O – Configured for 24 Analog In | 10 Analog Out -
An Allen & Heath ZED10 analog mixing board for multi-pedalboard stereo effects mixing
NOTE: The Power Components and Maintenance buttons will display supporting items required for professional studio performance